
Sunday 5 January 2014

Prerequisites for ECC installation steps

Prerequisites for ECC installation steps

 Go to service market place –
     Here it will ask for the user ID & password, user ID must start with s000*******

B. We can download the software’s they are
    1.Java core software j2sdk []
    2.Sap database software []
    3.Sap installation master DVD’S []
    4.Sap kernel software []
    5.Oracle client software []
    6.Sap export software []
    7.Sap java base software components []
    8.JCE software [sun]

C. Verify the software by using lable.asc

D. Define a host name and IP address – windows\system32\drivers\etc

E. PAM (product available matrix) – compatibility of O.S, DB & SAP

F. Java core software installation – set the environment variables
    How to the set environment variables?
    Go to my computers ---> properties ---> advanced (here click the environment variables) ---> here we
    have to give the user variables & system variables

G. Install the database software along with necessary patches.
     Here we have to give the particular drive & system ID

H. We can set the virtual memory- For 32 bit       3*ram size
                                                  - For 64 bit       maximum 20GM

I. Ensure that installation port number is – 21212, 21213 blocked or not
   [# net stat –a]

J. Ensure that service port number is – 32<instance number>, 33<instance number>,36<instance number>,
    47<instance number>, 48<instance number> series blocked or not

K. Internet is available for resolve the issues.

L. We can generate the license key based on the system details like <Sid>, instance number and host name
     in the landscape.
    1.Why we need virtual memory?
    To decrease the load on the RAM

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