
Sunday 5 January 2014

SAP Performance T-code

A. ST01 – system trace
     How to identify the expensive SQL statement?
     We can identify the expensive SQL statements in st05
     We can check kernel functions and authorization checking
     SQL trace, buffer trace and RFC also we can check here

B. ST02 – buffer swap
    What is the sap memory management?
     Roll area, page area, extended memory, heap memory

C. ST03 – workload analysis
     Database performance and monitoring, workload collector & statistic records are based on day, weekly
     & monthly we can see
     How to delete the entire in table MONI
     loss the performance the data
     ST03 – go to ---> performance DB ---> clients of DB

D. ST04 – database overview
     We can check database buffer, shared pool, log buffer, time statistics & redo logs

E. ST05 – performance analysis
    What is SQL trace?
    To identify the expensive SQL statement path enqueue trace
    Enqueue time goes to behind threshold value occurs
   1 milliseconds on central instance
   5 milliseconds on database instance
   Rfc trace: Rfc time exceeds threshold value occurs & Rfc time is 10 to 40% average of responsibility of
   time table buffer trace
   Load generation time exceed the threshold value occurs time is 200 milliseconds

F. ST06 – OS monitoring
    It is used for CPU utilization, number of CPU’S physical memory available and utilized
    It is used to start & stop the sap OS Col services. Click on detailed analysis menu to display the top CPU
    If fetches the data using service saposcol and it displays
    Memory utilization
    Disk response time
    CPU idle time not less than 30% [for portal up to 80 to 85%]
    This transaction code is also used start & stop the sap operating system collector
    Click on LANCHECK by ping to check the number of presentation server. You can ping to the servers
    (or) to a specific IP address
    NOTE: OScol brings the OS information into ST06. If OS call not stared ST06 will be blank
    We can check top CPU utilization for the current last 24 hours

G. ST07 – application monitoring
     Here we can see how many users are log, number of servers, clients & work process
     it is used to identify whether the system is optimally designed or not, this is also used to identify the buffer
     utilization & response TIME

 ST11 – it is used to display the developer traces of work directory \usr\sap\<Sid>\sys\work

I. How to delete the statistics of file R/3?
   Sometimes deleted manually
   Using ST03 or ST03N
   OS level:  DVEBMGS/data file

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