
Sunday 5 January 2014

SAP Profile

A. What is the profile?
     A profile is in the sap system is an operating system file containing parameter and configuration
     information of an instance.

B. Why profile?
     It provide for the governance of the sap system

C. The profile files are located under the directory – usr\sap\<Sid>sys\profile

 Profiles are 3 types they are
     1.Startup profile: The startup profile is an operating system file. That defines which R/3 services are
     The naming convention startup profile is start_Insatncename_Hostname
     2.Default profile: Default profile contains global parameters for all sap application servers.
     The naming convention instance profile is default.pfl
     3.Instance profile: instance profile contains instance specific parameter
     The naming convention instance profile is SID_Insatncename_Hostname

E. In what sequence are profile parameters read?
    Start profile ---> default profile ---> instance profile

F. When sap system starts, which profile it reads first?
    Startup profile
G. If you want modify any system parameters wide, which profile you, will see?
     Default profile

H. Where we can see all parameters in O.S level?
     # Sappfpar all

I. Where we can see all parameters in sap system?
    RSPARAM – SA38 (or) SE38

 What is the difference between RZ10 & RZ11?
    1.RZ10 we can change all the profile parameters and we have to restart the sap system. It is a static
     2.RZ11 we can change only dynamic profile parameters and we don’t need restart the sap system. It is a
     dynamic profile
    Ex: Run time parameter can change in rz11

K. What are the edit profiles in RZ10?
     1. Administration data
     2.Basic maintenance
     3.Extended maintenance

L. Where you can see the Profiles?
     1.Sap level – transaction code is RZ10 & RZ11
     2.OS level – usr\sap\<Sid>\sys\profile

      During the sap installation for windows O.S default users are <Sid>adm, sap service<Sid>.
      During the sap installation for UNIX default users are <Sid>adm, sap service<Sid>, ora<Sid>.
     1.<Sid>adm: It owns the sap system and start and stop done by <Sid>adm.
     2.Sap service<Sid>: It is used to start and stop the services.
       Ex: [sap<Sid>_00, sap<Sid>_01…..]
     3.Ora<Sid>:  It is used to owner to work on database
     SAP GUI default users are – DDIC & sap*
    After installation database users are – sys, system
    Database schema users are: Abap level – SAPSR3, java level – SAPSR3DB
    Communication user is SAP JSF
    Default users are: DDIC is 06071992, Sap* is 19920706
N. Default services are
     a. Sap OS Col: sap OS Col collector which is used to collect the O.S resources that are required to start
     the installation.
     b. Ora TNS Listener: Ora TNS listener service should be started on the specified port number is [1521 –
     c. Oracle service<Sid>: This is required for the database.
     d. Sap service hostname<Instance number>:
     1.Whether system is down we have to check whether these services (or) not
        Click on services –> start
     2.Services.msc – windows O.S (or) start –> settings – control panel –> administrative tool –>services
     3.Ps –ef\grep ora* - UNIX O.S

O. How to check whether the sap is running or not on UNIX level?
     # Ps –Ef\grep DW [check is sap is running or not]
     # ps – Ef\grep ora [check oracle status]

P. How many initialization files for sap GUI?

Q. How you can start & stop the sap system on windows?
    Go to login as <Sid> adm
    Password: master password
    Click on MMC icon on the desktop
    <Sid> right click
    Start or stop

R. How you can start & stop the sap system on UNIX?
     Go to login as <Sid> adm
     Password: master password
     Start sap –-----------------------> R3 & DB
     [Command]                                   [SAP]
     Stop sap -------------------------> R3 & DB   [Here system is down]

S. How to start only sap, when DB is up?
    Startsapr3 –---------------------> to start only R/3 system
    Stopsapr3 –----------------------> to stop only R/3 system

T. Dispatcher port number is – 32<instance number>

U. Gate way port number is – 33<instance number>

V. Message server port number is – 36<instance number>

W. Named pipe: named pipe is used to connect between the MMC and SAP.

X. Default profile parameters:
     1.Login\system_client = 001 – the number of the client to display by default for all the users.
     2.Zcca\system_language =    – to specify the language during logon
     3.Login\no_automatic_user_sapstar = 1 – by default this parameter value is 0 then we can change the
     parameter value is 1 because if any user (or) client you can login with parameter

Y. The background process is running when MMC connect to the SAP
     igswd.exe    ---------> IGS means internet graphical service


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