
Sunday 5 January 2014


Work process

A. All the process which handles by the use task based on the type of the user request.

B. Types of work process
      1.Dialog work process
      2.Background work process
      3.Update work process
      4. Enqueue server   
      5. Spool

         Message server

 C. What are the different types of work process in R/3?
      Dialog (D), Update (V), Enqueue (E), Background (B) and Spool(S)

                                           Dialog work process (D)

 Dialog work process is used to handle by the user request only

B. Dialog work process parameter name is – rdisp\wp_no_dia=2

C. Dialog work processes are minimum 2
    One is user request running another one is distributing the work process

D. Each request occupies 75mb to 150mb

E. Dialog work process is multiplexive
    Multiplexive means at a time one (or) more user request is running

F. The user request handle by the dialog work process maximum up to 1800 seconds

G. If the user request 600 seconds default in that time data is not completed then user request session is terminated

H. No of Dialog work process >= No of non Dialog work process

I.  Dialog work process time out parameter is
    rdisp\max_wp_run_timeout=600 to 1800

  One dialog work process maximum up to 32 users are we can create

K. One application server maximum up to 100 work process we can create

L. Work process statuses are
    Private mode: Dedicated to the particular user
    Sleep: Work process is running but not responding
    Why: Waiting for resources

M. In sap level work process overview – SM50

 In sap level global work process overview – SM66

 In O.S level work process overview – dpmon
     Dpmon: when the user could not login to the sap system

P. In sap level display a list of application server – SM51

Q. In sm51 transaction to identify the Release note, the R/3 kernel, D/B kernel, O.S. Kernel and support
     packages information

R. In sap level version statuses are – system ---> status

 In O.S level version we can see – disp+work

 How do user request flow?
    User request ---> dispatcher ---> work process ---> dialog work process ---> update the tables

                                        Background work process (B)
A. The background work process handle by the long running jobs.
     In the background work process that process can be executed without the user interaction.
     Background jobs are programs, printing specification and interactively can be run automatically by the
     background processing system

B. Background work process parameter name is – rdisp\wp_no_btc=2

 During the installation minimum of 2 background work process
     One is defining and another one is executing

D. Scheduling the background job is – SM36
     Job name should start either with z or y.
     Maximum 32 characters are allowed in the name.

 Start conditions
   3.After job
   4.After event
   5.At operation mode

F. Background job steps
   1.ABAP program: It is a standard program (or) customized program which will   
   execute by variant.
   Variant: It is a program selection criterion to provide the inputs during the runtime (or)
   execution of the program.
   Variants are stored in the table is TVARV
   We can create the variant from SE38
   2.External command:  It is used for pre defined input by system administrator.
   External commands are defined in SM49 (or) SM69
   External commands & external program are executed by SAPXG program
   3.External program: It is used for direct command input by system administrator

  G.  Background job is every 60 seconds default time is – rdisp\btctime=60sec รจ It stored in the default

 H. What is the background job scheduler every 60seconds

 In O.S level background work process stored in global directory usr\sap\<Sid>sys\global

 Simple job selection is SM37

K. Job statuses are
     1.Scheduled:  Whenever job is defined in that time job status scheduled.
 Released: Whenever we specify date & time to schedule job.
 Ready: When the time is elapsed.
 Active: Job status is running.
 Finished: All the job steps are complete successfully.
 Cancelled: There was an error and job has been terminated, as mentioned in the job log.

L. Background job table is TBTC*
    TBTCT table is used for job scheduler
    TBTCS table is used for job time table

M. Background job status from release to ready program is – SAPMSSYZF

 What is the difference between SA38 and SE38?
     SA38 is only we can execute a program and SE38 is we can create; edit a program, changing attributes
     and documents for the program

O. If we want suspend all the background jobs are using BTCTRANS1 report

P. If we want resume all the background jobs are using BTCTRANS2 report
    To execute these reports and programs from SA38 (or) SE38

Q. If you have a long running job, how do you analysis? (Or) How to analyze long running job?
     Using the transaction code is – SE30

 Standard background jobs (or) Housekeeping jobs are sap_reorg*
     Program: RSSNAPDL
    Sap_reorg_batchinput: This job is used for delete batch input files
    Program: RSBDCREO
    Sap_reorg_jobs: This job is used for delete old background jobs
    Program: RSBTCDEL
    Sap_reorg_statististics: This job is used for run the statistics of sap tables
    Program: RSBPSTDE
    Sap_reorg_spool: This job is used for delete the old print request.
    Program: RSPO0041
    Sap_reorg_updaterecords: this job is used for delete the old update records
    Program: RSM13002

S. Background job issues (or) Why background job is cancelled?
   1.File system is not accessible.
    2.User id & password may be expired.
    3.Dependent job may have failed.
    4.RFC connection is failed.
    5.Incorrect in puts.
    6.May be files corrupted at O.S level.
    7.Space issues in database level.
    8.Memory issues.
    9.Ora-arch director is may be full.
    10.Invalid file formats.

                                                Update work process (V)
A. It is used to update the database by reading from the temporary tables. It can’t    communicate with user

B. There are 2 types of update work process. They are v1 and v2
    V1 update is used for critical jobs and V2 update is used for non critical jobs

C. We need at least one update work process per sap system and we have more than per dispatcher

D. The update profile parameter name is rdisp\wp_no_vb, rdisp\wp_no_vb2

 Update monitoring is – SM13
    Here we can check critical and non critical updates. We can specify date and time

F. Update program administration – SM14
    This transaction code is used for active to deactivate & deactivates to activate update request and you
    configure the update servers, update groups and display & monitoring update parameters.

G. Update temporary table is VB*
    Vbmod – update function module
    Vbdata – update data
    Vberror – update error information
    Vbhdr – update header
    Vbwrk – work list for mass processing at a time have update

H. Update status are
    Init – the status will be initial.
    Run – update is started in main database.
    Error – update is thrown into error.
   Auto – update is thrown into error due to problem in database space.

 I. Update tables are stored in TBLOD

 SAPMV45A: which update work process is going on?

K. Update types are 3: they are
     1.Local update: Dialog work processes update the directly in Database that is called local update.
     2.Synchronous: Dialog work processes update goes to the temporary table that is called synchronous.
     3.Asynchronous: temporary table goes to database that is called asynchronous

L. Update statistics are 4:  they are
    Read, Write, Execute and Delete

M. Update parameters
      1.rdisp\vb_stop_active: Set to “0” so that update can be deactivated. If the value is set to be “1” update
      can be activated.
      2.rdisp\vbdelete: This parameter is used to delete the old update requests based on the no. of days. It
      will delete default 50 days.
      3.rdisp\vbmail: It is used to send an email. It update thrown an error which can be viewed in “SBWP”
      (“sap business workplace”) based on your user (set to “0” or “1”).
      4.rdisp\vbname : Name of the server running where update are processed
      5.rdisp\vbreorg: It is used to delete the incomplete update request.
     1=delete, 0=no, we can also schedule a background job “RSM13002” but it will delete the update
      request which are in completed it will be deleted after restarting.
      6.rdisp\vb_delete_after_execution: It is used to delete the update request soon after the execute of
      the update. Set it to”1” to delete the record (or) “2” to the record will not be deleted. If it is set to “1”
      the background job “RSM13002” is not required. If not schedule periodically daily during off peak

                                                    Enqueue server (E)
A. Enqueue server handles by the locking and unlocking mechanism

B. The Enqueue server parameter name is – rdisp\wp_no_enq

C. Enqueue server table size is minimum of 4MB

D. We can increase the maximum of size is 100MB

E. Enqueue table size is enq\table_size=4mb to 100mb

F. Enqueue server log files will be stored in O.S level Usr\sap\<Sid>instance<number>\log

G. The Enqueue server work process administrators a lock table in the shared memory area

H. Enqueue server 4 types they are
     Shared locks: one user can read the tables and another one user can write the tables
     Exclusive locks: only a particular user can read it, nobody else can access it
     Cumulative locks: The same user with different transaction accessing the same table then the lock will
     be shared with user transactions
     Optimistic locks: One user lock the table and another user doesn’t have read & access the table

I. Select lock entries – SM12
You can check (or) released the locked entries using transaction is sm12.
If there is a sudden power failure. Some of the users update entry might still be locked. If possible asked the user to logoff first, before deleting the lock entries

J. Transaction codes: locks and unlocks – SM01

K. Enqueue server lock tables are stored in TLOCK

                                                           Message server (M)
A. Message servers handle by the load balancing. It distributes the dispatcher where the load balance is less.

B. Message server log files are stored in O.S level DEV_MS
     Path is – usr\sap\<Sid><instance (number)>\work\dev_ms

C. In O.S level message server monitoring is – msmon ->cmd

D. Message server port number is – 36<instance number>

E. Internal port number is – 39<instance number>

 NOTE: sap server has only one message server and enqueue server.

G. NOTE: application server or dialog instance are same. And central instance is different
                                                      Gate way (G)
A. It is used to communication between the sap system to non sap system

B. There will be only 1 gate way for each instance.

C. In sap level gateway monitoring is - SMGW

D. In O.S level gate way monitoring is – DEV_RD
     Path is – usr\sap\<Sid><instance (number)>\work\dev_rd
E. We can check also DEV_DISP, i.s dispatcher for log files

F. usr\sap\<Sid>\instance<number>\work ----> work directory stores log of the work process information
    in the format of DEV_W*

                                                       Spool (S)
A. It is used to print the documents to a printer

B. There should be at least 1 spool process in the entire system

C. The spool profile parameter name is – rdisp\wp_no_spo

D. Dialog work process (or) background work process are creates a spool request. i.e. to print the
E. In O.S level spool request are stored in global directory usr\sap\<Sid>\sys\global

 The storage location specific parameter name is – rdisp\store_location

 This parameter has 2 values they are global_G and database_DB.

H. G means it stored in global directory DB means it stored in database tables are “TST01” and “TST03

I. The spool request is also referred as TEMSE
   Temse is used for temporary sequential objects

J. Access method:  It is connection to spool server to O.S spool.
    Access methods are 3 types
    1.Local access method: the spool process and the spool host (printer spool) reside on the same system.
     Access method type L is used for UNIX O.S and C is used for windows O.S
    2.Remote access method: the spool process and the spool host reside on two different systems. Access
    method type U is used for UNIX O.S and S is used for windows O.S
    3.Front end method: access method p is the printers are connected to end users desktop do not configured to many front and printers F and G

K. We can see all the clients and users spool request T_Code is – SP01

L. We can see specific client and user spool request T_Code is – SP02

 Spool administration is - SPAD

N. Default printers are – SWIN, SAPWIN

                                                    RFC – Remote Function Call
A. RFC is using connect to the one sap system to another sap system.

B. Sap gate way is using of RFC

C. RFC connections are 4 types
    1.Asynchronous RFC: User doesn’t get the any acknowledgement. Whenever using the asynchronous  rfc between the two sap systems

    2.Synchronous RFC:  User gets the acknowledgement. Whenever using the asynchronous Rfc between the two sap systems

    3.Transactional RFC: User doesn’t get the any acknowledgement .Each request send to the transactional ID, but there is no order delivered
    It is asynchronous RFC extended to the transactional RFC

    4.Queued RFC: User gets the acknowledgement. Each request sends to the user request one by one order. Send to the form of logical unit of work

D. Transactional RFC T_Code – SM58

 Configuration of RFC Connection is – SM59

 RFC Connection                               Type      sConnection
Abap connection                                      3          Abap to Abap connection
HTTP connection to external system       G         web browser to non sap system
HTTP connection to Abap system           H         web browser to any Abap system
Internal connection                                   I          within the system
TCP/IP connection                                   T         Abap to java connection

G. SMQ1 is monitor for the outbound queue. Outbound queue means sending the request.

H. SMQ2 is monitor for the inbound queue. Inbound queue means sending the request.

I. Default communication user TMSADM

 Default the Rfc connection is – TMSADM@<SID>.DOMAIN_<SID>

K. How many types of connection in Rfc? – 10

L. Rfc connections are stored in table is RFCDES

 Where we have to create the trusted system?
      In SM59 click on logon security. We can create the trusted system.

N. Why we need the trusted system?
     To communication for business requirement

O. What is the transaction code RZ12?
     It is used to define the RFC Server groups and Assign the instance

P. Which user is used when you create RFC?

Q. How to create the RFC connection between source client & target client
     1.Login with target client
     2.Using the transaction code SM59
     3.Create the connection type
     4.Give the RFC destination, description & connection type and click on administration
     5.Click on technical settings
     6.Give the target hostname and system (instance) number & select host name option
     7.Click on logon security tab
     8.Give source client details like number, username & password
     9.Click on save button
     10.Destination will be saved
     11.Click on Unicode test button
     12.Click on remote logon button’
     13.Click on start sap easy access button
     14.Here we can find that client number111 (we logged 222 in client)
     15.Click on logoff button [exit from 111 clients]

R. Rfc issues (or) Why Rfc connection failure
     1.Target system to source system does not match like version, production and component.
     2.May be target system is down.
     3.May be authorization problems.
     4.May be incorrect credential of the target system

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