
Friday 14 February 2014



Reasons for update deactivation :

Update will get deactivated in cases of serious database problems.

Some of the examples of update deactivation and solutions for those are given below :

 1) Update will get deactivated when oraarch is full

Solution : Trigger archivelog backup and ensure sufficient space is left in oraarch and then activate the update manually

 2) When some critical tablespaces are 100% full and database is not able to perform some operations

Solution : Monitor the database and findout the tablespaces which are 100% full.  Add necessary datafiles and ensure there is enough free space left out in them. Then activate the update manually

 How to activate or deactivate an update in sap ?

Use transaction SM14 and goto update tab. There update status can be viewed with a push button. If it is in deactivated status, click it to activate  and viceversa.

How to switch off automatic update deactivation ?

In RZ10, set the parameter rdisp/vb_stop_active to 1 and activate the profile to switch off automatic update deactivation incase of database problems.

How to troubleshoot, if update got deactivated ?

Please perform the following steps if udpate got deactivated :

  •  Check all the tablespaces and ensure figureout if any tablespace is 100% full. If so, add necessary space and activate the update as mentioned above

  • Check if oraarch is full. Trigger archivelog backup and ensure there is enough space and activate the update again

  • Check SM21 log and ST22 dumps

  • Check workprocess trace for any other issues

What happens for the updates that are in progress, if update got deactivated ?

If update got deactivated all the updates that are in progress or waiting to get executed, won't be cancelled. They will be assigned either init or auto status. Once the database issue got fixed and update is activated again, all these updates which are in init or auto status will resume again

                                              Update work process (V)
A. It is used to update the database by reading from the temporary tables. It can’t    communicate with user

B. There are 2 types of update work process. They are v1 and v2
    V1 update is used for critical jobs and V2 update is used for non critical jobs

C. We need at least one update work process per sap system and we have more than per dispatcher

D. The update profile parameter name is rdisp\wp_no_vb, rdisp\wp_no_vb2

 Update monitoring is – SM13
    Here we can check critical and non critical updates. We can specify date and time

F. Update program administration – SM14
    This transaction code is used for active to deactivate & deactivates to activate update request and you  
    configure the update servers, update groups and display & monitoring update parameters.

G. Update temporary table is VB*
    Vbmod – update function module
    Vbdata – update data
    Vberror – update error information
    Vbhdr – update header
    Vbwrk – work list for mass processing at a time have update

H. Update status are
    Init – the status will be initial.
    Run – update is started in main database.
    Error – update is thrown into error.
   Auto – update is thrown into error due to problem in database space.

 I. Update tables are stored in TBLOD

 SAPMV45A: which update work process is going on?

K. Update types are 3: they are
     1.Local update: Dialog work processes update the directly in Database that is called local update.
     2.Synchronous: Dialog work processes update goes to the temporary table that is called synchronous.
     3.Asynchronous: temporary table goes to database that is called asynchronous

L. Update statistics are 4:  they are
    Read, Write, Execute and Delete

M. Update parameters
      1.rdisp\vb_stop_active: Set to “0” so that update can be deactivated. If the value is set to be “1” update
      can be activated.
      2.rdisp\vbdelete: This parameter is used to delete the old update requests based on the no. of days. It
      will delete default 50 days.
      3.rdisp\vbmail: It is used to send an email. It update thrown an error which can be viewed in “SBWP”
      (“sap business workplace”) based on your user (set to “0” or “1”).
      4.rdisp\vbname : Name of the server running where update are processed
      5.rdisp\vbreorg: It is used to delete the incomplete update request.
     1=delete, 0=no, we can also schedule a background job “RSM13002” but it will delete the update  
      request which are in completed it will be deleted after restarting.
      6.rdisp\vb_delete_after_execution: It is used to delete the update request soon after the execute of  
      the update. Set it to”1” to delete the record (or) “2” to the record will not be deleted. If it is set to “1”
      the background job “RSM13002” is not required. If not schedule periodically daily during off peak

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