Friday, 21 March 2014

How to activate automatic sap* user in ABAP stack of sap?

Forgot sap login password for ABAP stack . Donot have any other password for any other user id.         How to login to sap? 
How to activate automatic sap* user in ABAP stack of SAP?
Unable to login to newly created client with sap* and default password. How to  login now ? 
Sap* user got locked for ABAP stack. Donot have any other user id to unlock the same. How to login to system again?

In SAP, there is a parameter login/no_automatic_user_sapstar whose default value is 1. If the value is set to 1, automatic login of sap* into SAP system using password PASS won’t be allowed.
In all of the above scenarios,
Pls set the value of parameter login/no_automatic_user_sapstar to 0 in both the default profile and the instance profile and restart the instance. So automatic login of sap* with default password will be enabled.

How to change SAP parameter ?

Afterwards, connect to the database and execute the following command :
In the following example am considering, oracle as the database.
sqlplus “/ as sysdba”
SQL > Delete from SAPSR3.USR02 where MANDT=’000’ and BNAME=’SAP*’;

In the above command, SAPSR3 is the schema of the database and USR02 is the table name and MANDT is the client and BNAME is the user id.

In case you would like to activate sap* in client 500 and your schema name is SAPBPW then the command would be as below :

SQL > Delete from SAPBPW.USR02 where MANDT=’500’ and BNAME=’SAP*’;

Once you successfully executed this command, you can login to sap system with SAP* user id and default password PASS

Login to 000 with DDIC with password - 19920706.
Run SU01.
Edit sap*
Assign SAP_ALL & SAP_NEW profiles to it.

Save it & prob resolved.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

How to check and implement OSS notes

1.Open the URL – in a browser.  And select the Services and Support Portal. 
2. Enter the OSS ID and password to login to the support portal. 
3. Once we login to the SAP support portal, select the menu ‘Help & Support’.

 In that again select ‘Search for SAP Notes’. A selection screen is displayed where we can search for OSS notes  by
1. A note number,

 2. A Search term (Any description, for ex:  ‘short dump in QE51N’, etc).

Report a product error and Create SAP Message  
When, we don’t find a relevant SAP Note for with a required correction/fix, we can report an issue to SAP.  Select ‘Help & Support ->‘Report a product error’ menu.  Select the appropriate System ID. 

In the next screen, provide the short description in few words about the issue and click Continue. The relevant OSS notes are displayed in the next screen. If none of them match with our criteria, then we can proceed to create a message to SAP with more details of the issue.  

This screen is displayed when we click the ‘Create Message’ button.

Here we can give details of the issue.  Fill in,

1. Short text

2. Long text

3. Steps to reproduce the issue

4. Attach any documents with screen shots.

5. Also provide the credentials for any system access. (Dev, Test or production system)

In the ‘Maintain Access Data’, temporary system Id and password are maintained for SAP until certain period of time. The duration is extended for more days, if needed.  

 Once all the details are specified, we can save the message for further editing

Save Message’ button, or send the message to SAP by clicking the ‘Send Message’.

The message can be monitored in the ‘my inbox’.  

To display user profile in OSS Portal  

Select ‘my profile -> Display my authorization

1. To see what authorization you have like

To view OSS notes
Create/View SAP messages
Register objects are modifications, etc.  
2.  To change your profile details.  

To Register Standard SAP Objects for modifications manually  

Select ‘Keys & Registration -> SSCR Keys’ menu.  In that select the ‘Register Object’ button and provide the details of the object like Program ID’, Object Type, Release no. etc. These details can be found when we click the change button on the standard objects (programs, function modules, etc).
Also, select the R/3 Technical installation no. from the list.  Once we register the object, we get a key from SAP. This key can be used to modify the standard program.  

For example, for the program RFKORD11, click the change button to see the details to enter in the above screen, 

The details of individual SAP Note can be seen by double-clicking the note. The implementation status tells us whether the SAP Note can be implemented or not.

The objects impacted and the correction instructions can be seen from the hierarchy in the left side of the screen. An SAP note can be implemented by clicking the menu

SAP Note Display -> Implement SAP Note’  

SAP System Load Generator (SGEN)

Introduction –

The transaction SGEN is used to generate ABAP loads for programs, function modules/groups and other applications also like Business Server Page applications (BSP applications).

SAP Uses Report RSPARAGENLOD to generate SGEN.

- In new SAP Systems no ABAP is compiled until it is called for the first time.

- Each time a user starts an un compiled ABAP he has to wait quite a long time for the ABAP       to compile, seen as an "Compiling hourglass" in the SAPGUI.

- All used ABAPs are saved in the table "REPOLOAD“.

- SGEN is used to regenerate existing loads, which are compiled ABAPs.

- Each time an ABAP or its dependency is changed, it needs to be compiled again.

- SGEN should be run after every Support Package or upgrade, because the ABAP sources    
   have been changed

- SGEN needs a lot of performance, recommend to run it when few users are accessing the 
   system e.g. on the weekend

- The runtime of SGEN depends on your SAP-System.

- It is recommended to restart the system after SGEN is finished.

Pre-Requisites –

Before we start the generation, make sure that we have some space in the database approx 5 GB and make sure that the tablespaces are not full.

Procedure for Using the SAP Load Generator –

On the initial screen of SGEN we can select the tasks which we need for generation. The following options are available.

transaction code SM37 (the job name is RSPARAGENER8).

How to Transport Variants in sap

1. Go to transaction code SE38 and enter program name “RSTRANSP”

2.Execute the program and enter the program name and the variant name.

3.Execute. Below screen will appear

4.Press continue  below screen will appear

5.Press enter


Free Access to Online SAP IDES

Procedure to Install and use Consolut IDES online.

First u download sap gui 7.20 for windows from net, you will get it for free.
sap gui download link: (download 7.30) 
then just register in consolut, you will get id and password


Then just create connection using option in sap gui and do next.
 After that it wil ask for settings just put this:

For Functional modules
Application Server: i62external

SAProuter-String: /H/ I62
Instance Number: 09
You can use client 500,300 and 800 for login.

Application Server: n4sexternal

SAProuter-String: /H/

System-ID: N4S

Instance Number: 01

login client and user id password provide in email by consolut.

Configuration just 512mb ram ,browser, net connection using mobile net also it works very good. Works with slow internet speed