Sunday, 5 January 2014

Questions on Background processing

Questions on Background processing

1.All the work processes are occupied.How can you increase the instance number
There are two ways of increasing the instance number.Either with RZ10 transaction or through RZ04(operation modes).
2.What is the background Work process parameter name?
3.What are the start conditions?
Choose  the type of start condition you want to use (Immediate, Date/Time, After job, After event, or At operation mode) and complete the start time definition in the screen that appears.The job cannot be started unless it is released.The scheduled job can only be released by an system administrator or by an user with appropriate authorizations
4.What are the background job steps?
call T-code SM36,Give a name to the job,set the priority(A,Bor C).leave the target server field empty for the least loaded server to be used.list the spool receipents who want the output.Define when the job is to be wether the job to be repeated or periodic.Define the job steps by chosing step,then specify the ABAP program,external command or external and release the job to get started.
5.What is the background job scheduler for every 60sec?
A parameter which reads rdisp/btc_wp_time=60sec is responsible for the above said condition
6.On Operating system level Back ground process will be stored in which location?
7.What are the different job status?
8.What is the background job Table?
TBTCO-this table get updated whenever there is a change in job staus.
TBTCP-the job step table
TBTCS-the control table for the time driven job
BTCEVTJOB-jobs scheduled to wait for an event
9.What is the difference between SA38 and SE38?
SA38 -here we can run ,see or execute a program(jobs in dialog or background mode)
SE38 -here we can create or change the source code apart from executing(mostly assingned to ABAPERS)
10.Waht are the steps to suspend and resume all the Background jobs at once?
BTCTRNS1-for unscheduling(through SE38)however RDDIMPDP(program which run for transport) will not be affected
BTCTRNS2-for rescheduling(through SE38)

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