Friday, 14 February 2014

How to add or extend datafiles in sap system based on oracle database ?

What is BRTOOLS?

BRTOOLS is the database administration tool supported by SAP for oracle database.

How to access BRTOOLS ?

BRTOOLS can be accessed by logging into database host as ora<sid> user and calling brtools at the command prompt.

How to add or extend datafiles in sap system based on oracle database?

Once brtools is called at command prompt, following menu will be displayed

BR*Tools main menu

1 = Instance management
2 - Space management
3 - Segment management
4 - Backup and database copy
5 - Restore and recovery
6 - Check and verification
7 - Database statistics
8 - Additional functions
9 - Exit program
Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
Select option 2 - Space management from the above query and press c to continue.

It displays another screen as below :

Database space management

1 = Extend tablespace
2 - Create tablespace
3 - Drop tablespace
4 - Alter tablespace
5 - Alter data file
6 - Move data file
7 - Additional space functions
8 - Reset program status

Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
Select Option 1- Extend tablespace and press continue.

In the next screen, you will be prompted to enter tablespace name, size/location of new datafile to be added, initial filesize, maximum filesize, autoextend (yes/no). Please provide all the relevant details and you can see an SQL query is being built based on the inputs given by you.

Once all the inputs are provided, press continue to execute the command and the datafile will be added.

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