Monday, 30 June 2014

ORACLE Upgrade from 10.2 to 11.2 on hp unix

ORACLE 11g Upgrade
This procedure explains upgrading ORACLE database from or to or If the source database runs Oracle, you need to first update the source database to at least patch set
In the below example we would be upgrading oracle version from to
Files needed for upgrade
Download oracle related software from
Download sap specific patches from
1.       Oracle Database software
The Oracle Database DVD contains a total of six or seven SAR files (depending on the platform), which include the various Oracle 11.2
components such as database, client, grid, gateways, and so on.
For a single-instance database upgrade, you only need to extract the database software. The database components are packed in the files OR111264.SAR and OR211264.SAR. If you only use a single instance database, these 2 SAR files alone are sufficient. In this case, you do not need to extract any other SAR files.
2.       Patch set for Oracle ////database patches/oracle11.2.0.2/database rdbms
3.       Oracle Client
4.       Latest Opatch and Mopatch files
5.       Latest version of SAP specific installation scripts RUNINSTALLER, RUNINSTALLER_CHECK, and from OSS Note  1524205
6.       Latest version of DBA Tools (BR* Tools)
                In summary, below are the files required for the upgrade
1.       To check the original version of your database, do one of the following from the environment of the source database
Enter one of the following command
sqlplus —version
sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> select version from v$instance;
2.       Check the hardware and software requirements
3.       Review Oracle specific Kernel parameters and Shell Limits
1.       Check if the new stage directory /oracle/stage/112_64is created. As per the standard upgrade document this directory will be named /oracle/stage/11202. But we name the directory 112_64 to be in par with the old directory 102_64. One other reason is we can use the same directory 112_64 for any other oracle 11g release also
2.       RDBMS DVD content has to be extracted to the stage directory:  Extract OR111264.SAR and OR21164.SAR files to the new stage directory: /oracle/stage/112_64
SAPCAR –xvf OR111264.SAR
SAPCAR –xvf OR211264.SAR
3.       Check the Oracle inventory directory.
4.       The Oracle inventory directory maintains the inventory of all Oracle software installed on the system. The path to the Oracle inventory directory  fileoraInst.loc
ORACLE 11g Upgrade
This procedure explains upgrading ORACLE database from or to or If the source database runs Oracle, you need to first update the source database to at least patch set
In the below example we would be upgrading oracle version from to
Files needed for upgrade
Download oracle related software from
Download sap specific patches from
1.       Oracle Database software
The Oracle Database DVD contains a total of six or seven SAR files (depending on the platform), which include the various Oracle 11.2 components such as database, client, grid, gateways, and so on.
For a single-instance database upgrade, you only need to extract the database software. The database components are packed in the files OR111264.SAR and OR211264.SAR. If you only use a single instance database, these 2 SAR files alone are sufficient. In this case, you do not need to extract any other SAR files.
2.       Patch set for Oracle ////database patches/oracle11.2.0.2/database rdbms
3.       Oracle Client
4.       Latest Opatch and Mopatch files
5.       Latest version of SAP specific installation scripts RUNINSTALLER, RUNINSTALLER_CHECK, and from OSS Note  1524205
6.       Latest version of DBA Tools (BR* Tools)
                In summary, below are the files required for the upgrade
1.       To check the original version of your database, do one of the following from the environment of the source database
Enter one of the following command
sqlplus —version
sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> select version from v$instance;
2.       Check the hardware and software requirements
3.       Review Oracle specific Kernel parameters and Shell Limits
1.       Check if the new stage directory /oracle/stage/112_64is created. As per the standard upgrade document this directory will be named /oracle/stage/11202. But we name the directory 112_64 to be in par with the old directory 102_64. One other reason is we can use the same directory 112_64 for any other oracle 11g release also
2.       RDBMS DVD content has to be extracted to the stage directory:  Extract OR111264.SAR and OR21164.SAR files to the new stage directory: /oracle/stage/112_64
SAPCAR –xvf OR111264.SAR
SAPCAR –xvf OR211264.SAR
3.       Check the Oracle inventory directory.
4.       The Oracle inventory directory maintains the inventory of all Oracle software installed on the system. The path to the Oracle inventory directory  fileoraInst.loc.
Before starting the installation of the new Oracle software on the database host, make sure that the file oraInst.loc is present in either the directory /etc or directory /var/opt/oracle and check that it has the following entries
·         inventory_loc=<location of the oracle inventory>
·         inst_group=dba
5.       Updating the Oracle Installation Scripts
In directory /orcle/stage/112_64/database, Move the SAP directory to a backup directory named SAP.SAVE
Extract the contents of file downloaded from OSS note 1524205 to this directory
6.       Confirm if new oracle mount point /oracle/<DBSID>/112_64 is created
7.       Backup oraInventory directory
cp -pr /oracle/oraInventory /oracle/oraInventory.old
1.       Login as ora<SID> user
2.       Check Prerequisites for OUI
Navigate to /oracle/stage/11202/database and execute
./runInstaller –executeSysPrereqs
3.       Checking Operating system requirements
Navigate to /oracle/stage/11202/database/SAP and execute
4.       We can ignore the above kernel parameter errors as the set value in the server is greater than the minimum required values.
5.       The below parameters has to be set/unset for the database software installation. This should be temporarily unset for the database software installation session only
6.       Set Oracle home to the new software location

Installation of Oracle database software
1.       Navigate to /oracle/stage/112_64/database/SAP and execute
      You can leave the email field blank
Confirm with “yes”

Confirm with “yes”
Choose ”skip software updates”
Choose “install database software only”
Choose “Single Instance database installation”
Select the default option “English”
Choose “Enterprise Edition”
The default software location will be /oracle/<SID>/11202
Change the software location to /oracle/SMD/112_64
Continue with the default
Prerequisites check is again performed and the failed items are displayed
Choose the “ignore all” option and click next

14.   Choose install
Monitor the progress
At this point login as root user and execute /oracle/SMD/112_64/
Confirm successful installation
ORACLE 11g Upgrade
This procedure explains upgrading ORACLE database from or to or If the source database runs Oracle, you need to first update the source database to at least patch set
In the below example we would be upgrading oracle version from to
Files needed for upgrade
Download oracle related software from
Download sap specific patches from
1.       Oracle Database software
The Oracle Database DVD contains a total of six or seven SAR files (depending on the platform), which include the various Oracle 11.2 components such as database, client, grid, gateways, and so on.
For a single-instance database upgrade, you only need to extract the database software. The database components are packed in the files OR111264.SAR and OR211264.SAR. If you only use a single instance database, these 2 SAR files alone are sufficient. In this case, you do not need to extract any other SAR files.
2.       Patch set for Oracle ////database patches/oracle11.2.0.2/database rdbms
3.       Oracle Client
4.       Latest Opatch and Mopatch files
5.       Latest version of SAP specific installation scripts RUNINSTALLER, RUNINSTALLER_CHECK, and from OSS Note  1524205
6.       Latest version of DBA Tools (BR* Tools)
                In summary, below are the files required for the upgrade
1.       To check the original version of your database, do one of the following from the environment of the source database
Enter one of the following command
sqlplus —version
sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> select version from v$instance;
2.       Check the hardware and software requirements
3.       Review Oracle specific Kernel parameters and Shell Limits
1.       Check if the new stage directory /oracle/stage/112_64is created. As per the standard upgrade document this directory will be named /oracle/stage/11202. But we name the directory 112_64 to be in par with the old directory 102_64. One other reason is we can use the same directory 112_64 for any other oracle 11g release also
2.       RDBMS DVD content has to be extracted to the stage directory:  Extract OR111264.SAR and OR21164.SAR files to the new stage directory: /oracle/stage/112_64
SAPCAR –xvf OR111264.SAR
SAPCAR –xvf OR211264.SAR
3.       Check the Oracle inventory directory.
4.       The Oracle inventory directory maintains the inventory of all Oracle software installed on the system. The path to the Oracle inventory directory  fileoraInst.loc.
Before starting the installation of the new Oracle software on the database host, make sure that the file oraInst.loc is present in either the directory /etc or directory /var/opt/oracle and check that it has the following entries
·         inventory_loc=<location of the oracle inventory>
·         inst_group=dba
5.       Updating the Oracle Installation Scripts
In directory /orcle/stage/112_64/database, Move the SAP directory to a backup directory named SAP.SAVE
Extract the contents of file downloaded from OSS note 1524205 to this directory
6.       Confirm if new oracle mount point /oracle/<DBSID>/112_64 is created
7.       Backup oraInventory directory
cp -pr /oracle/oraInventory /oracle/oraInventory.old
1.       Login as ora<SID> user
2.       Check Prerequisites for OUI
Navigate to /oracle/stage/11202/database and execute
./runInstaller –executeSysPrereqs
3.       Checking Operating system requirements
Navigate to /oracle/stage/11202/database/SAP and execute
4.       We can ignore the above kernel parameter errors as the set value in the server is greater than the minimum required values.
5.       The below parameters has to be set/unset for the database software installation. This should be temporarily unset for the database software installation session only
6.       Set Oracle home to the new software location

Installation of Oracle database software
1.       Navigate to /oracle/stage/112_64/database/SAP and execute
2.       You can leave the email field blank
3.       Confirm with “yes”
4.       Choose ”skip software updates”
5.       Choose “install database software only”
6.       Choose “Single Instance database installation”
7.       Select the default option “English”
8.       Choose “Enterprise Edition”
9.       The default software location will be /oracle/<SID>/11202
10.   Change the software location to /oracle/SMD/112_64
11.   Continue with the default
12.   Prerequisites check is again performed and the failed items are displayed
13.   Choose the “ignore all” option and click next

14.   Choose install
15.   Monitor the progress
16.   At this point login as root user and execute /oracle/SMD/112_64/
17.   Confirm successful installation

Installing SAP bundle Patch
You only need to install the latest SAP bundle patch because these patches are cumulative.
18.   Go through the “Readme*” file provided with the bundle patch beforehand.
19.   Copy the new version of downloaded Opatch and MoPatch files to the new home directory
20.   At previous ORACLE_HOME,check whether listener is down.
21.   Make sure that the ORACLE_HOME is set to /oracle/SMD/112_64
22.   Run MOPatch in documentation mode

Now Run the actual bundle patch installation using MOPatch

Below script has to be run to fix any invalid objects
This should be done with the preupgrade parameters
Run utlrp.sql script as follows
cd /oracle/SMD/102_64/rdbms/admin
sqlplus “/as sysdba”

If this command gives error.then


4th step is wrong,----You should open the database in the upgrade mode to run utlirp.sql script, once it is done shutdown the database and open it normally to run utlrp.sql script.
25.   Invalid objects if any can be found out using the below command
Select owner,object_type,object_name,status from dba_objects where status='INVALID';

Copying and Adapting the SQL*Net Files
26.   Copy “listener.ora”, “tnsnames.ora”, “sqlnet.ora” from old ORACLE_HOME to new ORACLE_HOME
27.   Add all three files to adapt to the  new directory. Be sure to adapt the value of ORACLE_HOME in the listener.ora file.
28.   Add the below line in the listener.ora file.
ADR_BASE_LISTENER = /oracle/DMC/saptrace
29.   Since your database is still running in the old environment, do not start the listener with the new listener.ora file at this point.
Running the Pre-Upgrade Scripts
You always execute these scripts as the ora<dbsid> user connected to the database as sysdba in the pre-upgrade environment of the database to be upgraded.
Login as orasmd user in the 10.2 environment.Start Databse
31.   Navigate to directory /oracle/DMC/112_64/sap/ora_upgrade/pre_upgrade
32.   Execute the following commands to perform pre-upgrade tasks, which can improve the performance of the upgrade process:
sqlplus“/as sysdba”
SQL> spool pre_upgrade_tasks.log
SQL> @pre_upgrade_tasks.sql
SQL> spool off
33.   Execute the following commands to check the pre-upgrade status of your database
sqlplus“/as sysdba”
SQL> spool pre_upgrade_status.log
SQL> @pre_upgrade_status.sql
SQL> spool off
34.   Check both the log files and look for any warning or errors and fix them.
35.   Make sure the below two components are in valid state
Change Database user profile using note 1519872
Configuration of the AWR retention period  (OSS Note 1326067)
37.   Run Update statistics before the upgrade
brconnect -u / -c -f stats -t system_stats
brconnect -u / -c -f stats -t oradict_stats
brconnect -u / -c -f stats -f collect -t all -p < CPU *2 val>

38.   Now take a complete offline backup of the database
ORACLE Database Upgrade
1.       Make sure the database backup is  successful. 
Stop the SAP system and listener running under the old ORACLE_HOME
3.       Ensure that you have write permissions on /etc/oratab.
4.       Login as ora<SID> user and set/unset  the below environmental variables
setenv ORACLE_HOME /oracle/SMD/112_64
setenv ORACLE_HOME_SRC /oracle/SMD/102_64
setenv ORACLE_HOME_TGT /oracle/SMD/112_64

unsetenv TWO_TASK
unsetenv ORA_NLS
unsetenv ORA_NLS32
unsetenv ORA_NLS33
unsetenv ORA_NLS10
umask 022
5.       Confirm that the following environment variables point to Oracle 11.2 directories
·         ORACLE_HOME points to /oracle/<DBSID>/112_64
·         PATH, SHLIB_PATH
setenv SHLIB_PATH /usr/sap/DMC/SYS/exe/run:/oracle/DMC/11202/lib
setenv DISPLAY
setenv PATH /oracle/SMD/112_64/bin:.:/oracle/SMD:/usr/sap/SMD/SYS/exe/run:/usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/contrib/bin:/usr/contrib/Q4/bin:/opt/perl/bin:/opt/ipf/bin:/opt/gvsd/bin:/opt/nettladm/bin:/opt/fcms/bin:/opt/wbem/bin:/opt/wbem/sbin:/opt/sas/bin:/opt/graphics/common/bin:/opt/atok/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/contrib/bin/X11:/opt/sec_mgmt/bastille/bin:/opt/caliper/bin:/opt/drd/bin:/opt/dsau/bin:/opt/dsau/sbin:/opt/resmon/bin:/opt/firefox:/opt/gnome/bin:/usr/contrib/kwdb/bin:/opt/mozilla:/opt/perl_32/bin:/opt/perl_64/bin:/opt/prm/bin:/opt/sfm/bin:/opt/swm/bin:/opt/sec_mgmt/spc/bin:/opt/ssh/bin:/opt/sentinel/bin:/opt/swa/bin:/opt/hpsmh/bin:/opt/thunderbird:/opt/langtools/bin:/opt/gwlm/bin:/opt/ignite/bin
6.       Navigate to $ORACLE_HOME_TGT/sap/ora_upgrade/post_upgrade and start the DBUA in query mode
./ –q
During this step, the SQL*Net profiles are copied.
Now start DBUA in interactive mode
I have decided to turn off the archiving during the upgrade


9.       Check the summary and click finish
10.   Upgrade Process starts
Monitor the progress of the upgrade
12.   As per OSS Note you can ignore all ORA-32004/ORA-32006 messages
13.   Verify the upgrade results
Post Upgrade steps
1.       Update the below environmental variables of ora<sid>user to reflect the path of the new ORACLE_HOME directory

Change 102_64 to 112_64 and 10x_64 to 11x_64
Similarly update the environmental variable for <sid>adm user,login then then ls -a
3.       Open a new session for orasmd user and start the database using 11g Oracle home
Update BR* Tools
Extract the contents of DBATL720O10_23-20006704.SAR to the /sapmnt/SMD/exe
Run ./ NSD
Upgrade only brtools---DBATL720O10_27-20005193
Arrange oraarch,sapbackup,saparch as follows
Run ‘post_upgrade_status.sql’ from location /oracle/DMC/112_64/sap/ora_upgrade/post_upgrade
Copy sapdba_role.sql and sapconn_role.sql from /usr/sap/DMC/SYS/exe/run to $ORACLE_HOME/dbs and execute them as ora<sid> user
After wrtinig @command press enter
6.       Updating Oracle instant client
7.       Create this dir /oracle/client/11x_64
As <sid>adm user Extract client file OCL11264.SAR to /oracle/client/11x_64
Create new symbolic link
ln -s instantclient_11202 instantclient
Check if the SAP DBSL can load the newly installed instant client correctly. Change to the exe directory as user <sapsid>adm and run the ldd command on
this error is for SIDADM User while starting sidadm
Copy two files which are in

ORA-32004: obsolete or deprecated parameter(s) specified for RDBMS instance
ORA-00119: invalid specification for system parameter LOCAL_LISTENER
ORA-00132: syntax error or unresolved network name 'LISTENER_DMC'
8.       Rename the old oracle home bin directory
9.       mv<old_oracle_home>/bin <old_oracle_home>/bin-old
10.   Start listner
Do a R3trans –d check
12.   Update the attached oracle parameters as per OSS Note 1431798 and restart the database
Changing the location of the JDBC Driver
These steps are required for J2EE system (both JAVA only and ABAP+JAVA)
13.   Edit on location /usr/sap/SMD/DVEBMGS01/j2ee/configtool. Update the rdbms.driverLocation location to /oracle/client/11x_64/instantclient/ojdbc14.jar
14.   Open configtool. Use edit mode to replace the driver location in the following property sheets that contain the string rdbms.driver location
·         Cluster_data/
·         Cluster_data/dispatcher/IDXXXX/propertysheet Configuration Manager
·         Cluster_data/server/IDXXXX/propertysheet Configuration Manager
15.   Edit located under /usr/sap/SMD/DVEBMGS01/j2ee/cluster/bootstrap for the rdbms.driverLocation
16.   Edit sdmrepository.sdc located under /usr/sap/SMD/DVEBMGS01/SDM/program/config
Use below vi editor command to do the replacement
17.   Edit under location /usr/sap/SMD/DVEBMGS01/j2ee/deploying
18.   Edit under location /usr/sap/SMD/DVEBMGS01/j2ee
19.   Update SAP Profile parameter
Change driver location in SAP instance profile
j2ee/dbdriver = /oracle/client/11x_64/instantclient/ojdbc14.jar
Now start the SAP system
21.   Database startup may fail with the below error when started as <sid>adm user
Add the below entry in the tnsname.ora file of the SAP profile path /sapmnt/SMD/profile/oracle
This would be already added in the tnsnames.ora file located under ORACLE_HOME
22.   Run update statistics
23.   Take a database backup
24.   Make sure the database is now running under archivelog mode
Reference OSS notes
Note 1431800 - Oracle 11.2.0: Central Technical Note
Note1454627 - Additional Info / Corrections to Oracle 11g Upgrade Guide
Note 1431798 - Oracle 11.2.0: Database Parameter Settings
Note 1503709 - Oracle 11.2.0: Patches / Patch collections for
Note 1524205 - Oracle 11.2.0: Database Software Installation
Note 819829 - Oracle Instant Client Installation and Configuration on Unix

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