Sunday, 5 January 2014

SAP BASIS Interview Questions

How many users you have?
155 users
what is your team size?
Basis we have 2 and security we have 2 in current project
how many servers you have?
Three Servers
Sap all tables are stored in DD02L
where we have to see all the transaction codes?
SE93, Table level TSTC
how can you confirm the patch level for SAP GUI?
Log in to sap GUI, and hit alt – f12 -> about patch level information.
What is the difference between central instance & dialog instance?
Instance where
 message server and enqueue server is present that is called central instance
Which doesn’t contain message server and enqueue server that is called dialog instance
How to connect to sap server?
As Abap -----> SAP GUI
As Java ------> Web browser (HTML)
What is the latest version in sap?
SAP R/3 Enterprise Umer(EVKUE) Component 7.0
 (or) ERP2005 Sr1, Sr2, Sr3
what is the user to communication between ABAP & JAVA?
What is the connection between presentation layers to application layer?
DIAG Protocol
What is your landscape?
Three system landscape
What system landscape you have?
R/3 system
What are modules configured?
We have ECC6.0
What operating system you worked on?
Windows 2003,AIX6.1
Which database you worked on?
DB2 9.01
 transaction code is user for user login details in month
What is the difference between ECC5.0& 4.7EE?
ECC5-0 is used for installation master (sapint.exe)
4.7EE is used for setup.cmd
SM62: event history
What system you installed?
ECC6.0, Net weaver
What is sap net weaver?
Sap net weaver is a as Java, EP and EP core
Any idea about ECC5.0?
ECC 25+ components we can use
How to delete 1000 users of a particular client?EWZ5
 sap computer aided tasting tool
LSMW: legacsy system migration workbench
These 3 are used to administrative users massively [deletion, modification and creation whatever]
How to assign same role to 200 users?
Using PFGH transaction code ---> enter a role ---> change ---> go to user tab ---> past the users ---> click on comparison ---> complete comparison ---> save the role.

Scripts (or) forms available –
Development packages are defined in
Customizing project –
 – a customer’s needs by adjusting parameter & settings

What is difference between sap*  & DDIC?
Sap*: sap* does not contain any user master records. It will be adjusted at kernel level. If you delete sap* then it will be automatically with password PASS
Sap* contains only sap_all profile only
DDIC: DDIC is the data dictionary incharge it will contains the all authorization & profiles
Where to check for system logs of sap application at OS level?
The system logs of SAP application at OS level can be checked at sap MMC ---> sap system ---> <Sid> ---> sys log
SAP R/3 log on appears 4 fields – client, user, password, language
 is used for runtime java & Abap connection services
What is the difference between ST22 & SM21?
Program errors,
System errors,
Critical and non- critical update request errors,
Update deactivation mechanism,
Time out errors,
Memory related issues with error logs,
En queue table overflow,
Illegal time.

SM21 -
 System log is for the recent logs for your CI and application server. What ever happen in SAP it will write a system log.
Work process start up errors along with ST22 errors(dumps)

 – this transaction is used for system messages
Application server naming convention
<Project name>ECCSAPC.I
What is the difference between Unicode & non Unicode?
 means it will support for all the languages and code pages
Non Unicode
 – it will not support all the language except English & germen
What is the difference between typical & custom?
Typical: typical is nothing but the system will take automatically the installation drivers
Custom: Custom is nothing but it will ask for the installation drovers

IP address we need to check the system status
Go to cmd ---> ping 10:11:128:130 [10:11 is mandatory]
If the ping is unsuccsesfull. It will show request failed or request error
To check the IP address of the server.
Go to cmd ---> ipconfig [ip means internet protocol]
à we don’t install ECC system and net weaver is one system. If any problems accures we have to restart the system. At that time along net weaver system and ECC system will also turn of then business will lose
What is software component?
Software component is which including the all applications is called software component
What is OSS connection?
 [online support services]
This connection is used to connect the sap server to business peoples
---> before going to the sap installation, first install operating system and database
---> hard ware sizing based on the end users using “QUICK SIZE TOOL”
What is sizing?
The sap basis consultant should decide the hard ware capacity on the end users this concept is known as Sizing. It will done by “quick size tool”
Single GUI to access all the sap application [ERP, CRM, SCM, XI, PI, BI & SRM]
Instance type:
Central instance
Dialog instance
Database instance

Non ides
 [international demo educational system]
Ides additional client
 – 800, 811, 812 clients are available
Installation logs:
Sapinst.log – specifies installation success or failure
Sapinst_dev.log – installation is aborted
.tsk – specified the table/indexes …ext
Keydb.xml – kernel to restart installation from the point where it is failed
---> create local groups and global groups and assigns them to users
Local group – locally
Global group – domain level
--->in the production system never changes made
 How to check the system availability?
Using the transaction code RZ20 (or) available.log file on windows
Work directory: this stores startup and error logs
How to lock & unlock the users?
Alter user <user name> unlock account;
System logs at OS level ---> MMC ---> SAP system ---> <Sid> ---> sys log