Sunday, 5 January 2014

SAP Interview Questions

SAP Interview Questions
1.   If SAP is down first what we should check?
For ABAP:-
Ø  check the trace files Dev_Disp, Dev_W01, Dev_Disp02
Ø  Check database is running or not.
Ø  Check connection with database (i.e., tnsping, R3trans -d). 
Ø  Check processes or services at operating system level.
Ø  Check whether file systems are full
Ø  Check database specific error log file.
Ø  Check the hardware
Ø  Check the work process
Ø  Check Start up/shut down log files in root directory.
Ø  Check operating system log files.

2.   If any problems come after upgrading the kernel what we should do?
Ø  Check the dew_disp and other dew_w* trace file
Ø  Run the command "cleanipc" and then try starting sap
Ø  Change the file permission in directory usr/sap/sid/sys/exe/run
Ø  Some times change the OPS$ password also
Ø  Run the program "sappfpar check pf = /usr/sap/<SYSTEM NAME>/SYS/profile/<Profile name>.
Ø  Run to adopt the file permissions
Ø  Restart the server to free-up the shared memory

3.   What is the command to start sap after kernel upgrade?
Ø  Saproot.ssh
Ø  Oraroot.ssh
Ø  If system is not coming up check the SAP and DB connection using command r3trans –d
Ø  Check the log files like Dev_desp, Dev_W01, W02 etc
Ø  Check the permission and can change permission using command CHOWN

4.   What to do when SAP system is very slow?
Ø  In ST06 check the response time of CPU, Memory, Disk, filesystem, LAN Response time.
Ø  In ST02 check buffer quality if many fields are red, investigate each fields dependant parameters. Check the hit ratio of Roll area, Page area, extended memory and Heap Memory.
Ø  In ST04N check the hit ratio of DB, Hot ratio should be more than 90%
Remove the unwanted job scheduled
Ø  Check for proper configuration for operation mode in RZ04.
Ø  Check the number of work process running, waiting and private mode.
Ø  Check the file system and table space free space.
5.   What is the boot sequence of SAP system?
The Startup script will start the sapstart binary which will read the start profiles (/usr/sap/SID/SYS/profiles/START_INSTANCE_HOSTNAME) and get all the information like Hostname, System Name (SID), instance number.
Once the information are available the script will start the dispatcher which in turn will read the instance profile and starts the server like, Database, Message Service, Enqueue Service, Dispatcher Service. The dispatcher in turn will start all the Work Process Services.
6.   Difference between Unicode and non-Unicode?
Unicode:- Most of the SAP implementations are done on Unicode system as it support all kind of languages, which is good for a company to expend their business. Another thing is Unicode system requires 70% more storage area and processing speed to run the system perfectly.
Non-Unicode:- Non-Unicode system support only one language and requires less storage and processing speed compared to Unicode systems.
7.   How to import the transport request at operating system Level? When importing a transport request, what are the common errors you faced?
          Copy the data files and co-files to respective folders in usr/sap/trans path.
cp –p <directory path of data> /usr/sap/trans/SID/data
cp –p <directory path of cofile> /usr/sap/trans/SID/cofiles

With the option ‘–p’ the owner of the copied file will become the same as the target directory (user and group). Therefore ‘chown’ is not needed.

kvxi115:x82adm 11> cp -p R902263.UB0 /usr/sap/trans/data
kvxi115:x82adm 12> cp -p K902263.UB0 /usr/sap/trans/cofiles

Ø Implement transportation up till release 4.6
tp addtobuffer <transportnumber><targetsystemname>
tp import <transportnumber> <targetsystemname>> targetclient> <unconditionalmode>
tp addtobuffer <SID>K901234 <SID>
tp import <SID>K901234 <SID> client*** U18

Ø Run transport from 6.10 release
tp pf=TP_DOMAIN_<SID>.PFL addtobuffer <SID>K901234 <SID>
tp import pf=TP_DOMAIN_<SID>.PFL  <SID>K901234 <SID> client*** U18

Error codes:
Code 0 or 4 = Transport has gone well. Code 4 is a warning.
With SE01 investigate the problem. Solve the problem and attach it back to the customer
Code 8 or higher = Transport is performed only in one of the transport steps is an error. With SE01 investigate the problem. Solve the problem if possible and attach it back to the customer

In the directory/usr/sap/trans/log or /usr/sap/trans/<SID>/log is a file named ALOGYYWW. YY is the year and WW is the week. ALOG0416 is the log of week 16 of 2004. In this file is the exported transport report of transport including the error codes per transport. See Section 5.2 for the mistakes.
SAP Basis Release 6.10 from each area in a landscape has its own log file com ALOG0416. (WBT) and ALOG0416. (WBP).

8.   What is the path of support pack?
Before Uncar: - Usr/sap/trans
After Uncar: - Usr/sap/trans/eps/in

9.   What is the path of kernel?

10. What are the ways of support pack implementation?
Load from front end if the size is less than 20MB
Load from application server

11.What are the files we get after we uncar the support pack?
.PAT and .ATT
.PAT contains data and .ATT contains attributes size and pre-requisites

12.What is the difference between support pack and Add-On?
Support pack is a bunch of NOTES and contain fix for existing component - SPAM
Add-On contain new component – SAINT

13.Which table will be updated when support pack is applied?
PAT01 and PAT03

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