Sunday, 5 January 2014

Sap Basis Interview Questions

14.IF any problems comes when applying support pack what we should check?
Ø  Check the log in USR/SAP/SID/TRANS/LOG directory. Mainly check for Slogs
Ø  Check the logs in WORK directory. Path: USR/SAP/SID/DVEBMGS/WORK
Ø  Go to à SPAM à Action log à Import log
Ø  Check the version is matching or not

15.What are the phases of support pack
Ø  Preparation module
Ø  Import 1 Module
Ø  Import2 Module
Ø  Cleanup Module

16.What is the command to uncar the support pack?
Sap uncar.xvf filename

17.What is SAP NOTE?
NOTE contain the corrections for the existing components.

18.What we should check before apply support pack?
Manual corrections
Correction instruction
Check for child note

19.How does SAP ABAP and JAVA stack will communicate?
Will happen through UME à User management engine. 

20.What is the difference between System Trace, Developer Trace and System Log?
ST01 - System Trace which will be required when you want to record trace for system

ST05- Performance Trace (Developer Trace) which is required when any user
Complaining for a long transaction and you want to record all activity of Transaction.

SM21- System log is for the recent logs for your CI and application server. What ever happen in SAP it will write a system log.

21.What is a logical System?
          The system which is connected locally is called local system. For this kind of system there will be no transport layers and routes.

22.Stop/start procedure?
          Stop: If windows OS is there then only we should some time stop services
                   First stop dialog instance
                   Central instance
                   Stop SAP services
                   Stop DB services

          Start: If windows OS is there then only we should some time start services
                   Start DB services
                   Start SAP services
                   Start DB
                   Start central instance
                   Start dialog instance irrespective of JAVA/ABAP

23. How to start java Through SAP?
       1.      Log on to the host of your central system as the SAP administrator <sid>adm.
       2.      Enter startsap ALL to start SAP NetWeaver Java.
The database, all Java instances, and all other processes for your system are started on this host.
       3.      Log on to the host of your central system as the SAP administrator <sid>adm.
       4.      Enter stopsap J2EE to stop SAP NetWeaver Java.
   Note: The command Stopsap with the switch J2EE does not stop the database simultaneously. If you want to stop the database simultaneously, use the command stopsap or stopsap ALL.
*In SAP level JAVA can be started and stopped in RZ03 T-Code. *

24.Use of logon load balancing?
          Logon load balance is used to identify least loaded instance (If multiple instances are running) and route the user request with the help of message server.

25.Printer Installation and troubleshooting?
          Printer can be configuring using the T-Code SPAD.
                   Basic requirement to configure the printer is
1.      Host name, Location, Model, Host printer.
2.        Decide the 4 digit queue and ask UNIX team to create
3.      Create printer in SAP using SPAD T-Code
4.        After configuring printer check the print status in SP01 (Should give green color status)
Troubleshooting of printers:-
1.   Generally printers will not work if the printer Name or IP is changed.
2.   If defined wrong printer queue in OS level
3.   At OS level you can use lpstat command and check the status. 

26.Transport domain and domain controller; directories in usr/sap/trans ?
          Transport Domain:-  Transport domain is the one which will manage all other systems and will have shared access to the transport directory so that transport can be performed centrally.
For example if we have configured TMS for 3 system landscape we can perform transport for all systems by login to one system
                   Trans directory contains the subdirectories like
1.   Data files – Which will hold data files while doing transport.
2.   Co-Files – Contains Co-files
3.   Logs – Contains logs of transport performed, Mail we should check for S-logs for transport and support pack errors.

27.Standard Jobs?

28.Client Copies
§   Client copy in different landscape for different customers.
Local client copy: SCCL
Remote client copy:
Client Import/Export

Step by Step Procedure to copy a Client to the Remote SAP Server.
Logon to destination SAP server
Use Transaction Code SCC4 
Go to change mode 
Create a new client; assign client number & description as per request Logoff from current client. 
Login to newly created client in destination SAP server using the following credentials:
                                         i. Client Number                : Newly created one
                                         ii User Id                            : SAP*
                                         iii Password                         : PASS

Use Transaction Code SM59 to create a RFC Connection for client copy if does not exist already. 
RFC Connection should have Target Server as Destination and the test results should say “Connection test OK” 
Use SCC9 Transaction code to go to client copy screen. 

Give profile as per the request. 
Select RFC destination created for the purpose for the source client to client copy 
Use Transaction code SCC3 for monitoring the progress of client copy

Step by Step Procedure to Client Import/Export
Export Client
Run SCC8
          Select the profile type Ex: SAP_ALL, SAP_USER
          Select the target system
          De-Select the test run
          Run Export
          Three transport requests will be created
                   1. SIDKO00353" for transporting client-independent data
2. SIDKT00353" for transporting client-specific data 
3. SIDKX00353" for transporting client-specific texts and forms     

Client Import:
Create client (scc4)
Login to client (sap* - pass)
Manually add "O" transport then "X" then "T" to TMS buffer in STMS
Import the transport requests to the system.
Check the log file in usr/sap/trans
After Import is complete perform "post processing steps" from client tool (SCC7)

29.Users not able to login to SAP?
          Could be oraarch directory full (Archive stuck)
          Could be no free work process (All work process are in private mode)
          Table space full
          Network issue.
          User could be locked or expired

30.All the Background work process is occupied? How can u increase?
          When all work process are occupied you cannot login to SAP from SAP GUI, so the only one way is to edit the instance profile in OS level and change the background work process parameter in RZ10.

31.Find Command in UNIX?
          Ps -ef|grep sap (to check SAP process in OS level)
          Ps -ef|grep db (to check DB process in OS level)
          Df –k (To check the free size)
          Df –h (To check the free size)
          Df –g (To check the free size)
          Alter database backup controlfile to trace (To generate control file)

Alter database open resetlog (To reset the log sequence number after   system refresh)

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